
4 de mayo de 2014

How to use Evernote as an agile virtual story board

I'm sure you are familiar with Evernote, the most famous tool for taking notes on a computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc. Your notes are now stored “in the cloud”. You don't need physical notebooks any more. You can take notes everywhere and every time. As a knowledge worker, student, etc., you are so used to it that you can afford the premium cost of $5 per month (being the free version completely functional).

However, have you ever thought using Evernote as an virtual story board on agile projects? I have to say that Evernote is my favorite tool for agile teams (precisely: for not collocated teams). Think of all those features related to writing notes, labeling notes, moving notes from one notebook to another, searching, clipping, etc. Don't you think this is the “low-tech, high-touch” style we are always demanding for agile projects tools? For a collocated team, the best tool is a big wall in a comfortable dedicated room, of course. However, if two or three of the team members are in another sites, or the team is entirely virtual, a centralized repository for requirements and management information is the most useful.

If you are interested in the way I use Evernote as an agile virtual story board, please keep on reading...